Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Raison d' Etre of Earthquakes!

I have a great physicist working in my office, who dabbles in geology as a side hobby. Today he expounded a great theory that causes earthquakes in Maharashtra.

The theory goes something like this:

Due to high core temperature, water in the ground table is converted to high pressure steam. This steam then seeks an outlet to rise to the surface through the fissures present naturally and or makes the fissures in places which are susceptible to these phenomena. This outbreak then causes earthquakes in districts that are about three hundred kilometers away.

When questioned as to the reason why Mumbai, which regularly recieves about a 100 inches of rain every year escapes these great build up of steam in the earth's core, the reason given was that the core temperature below Mumbai was less than 100°C, so steam cannot be generated below Mumbai, making it safe from Earthquakes.

Any questions, please direct it to my comment board and we will surely put it to our esteemed scientist / geologist (part time) and try and answer them to his satisfaction.

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