Friday, April 07, 2006

My brother's recipe for Chocolate Fudge.

Mom and I were talking one day of old times. If there is one thing mom likes, then it is any of my friends praising her cooking. She makes a mean chocolate fudge and it is an eternal favorite in our friend circle.

One fine day, mom had just finished a batch and we had just finished that batch, when my bro’s friend piped up, Aunty, how do you make this stuff any ways. While my Mom modestly was murmuring that it is nothing, just something she picked up, my Brother said, its not that tough, any one can make it.

Now his friend was of the serious kind and therefore enquired as to the secret processes that helped manufacture such precious foods. Here is what my bro had to offer:


  1. One packet Cocoa powder (dark chocolate, Cadbury make)
  2. One tin condensed milk, my recommendation, Nestle.
  3. One packet white butter (Not the Amul one)
  4. Sugar to taste
  5. Nuts and other assorted dry fruits like raisins etc
  6. A wok to cook it all in, hopefully something that is really old and has been used for such enterprises before. (Theory being, if the tools themselves knew what to do, then the human would not have to do much.)


  1. Take Wok out of the shelf. Dust it, if you are up to it, wash it too. Other wise a thorough dusting is enough (heat sterilizes).
  2. Take butter out of the plastic or steel container in which it is usually stored. Rinse it once to start it melting nice and easy.
  3. Open the tin of Nestle condensed milk.
  4. Place wok on the stove.
  5. Light the stove using matches or any electric lighter usually kept handy in all kitchens.
  6. Empty tin of Nestle on to the wok.
  7. Start stirring gently using a brass spoon, for that earthy flavor.
  8. Using a spoon, spoon the butter in to the milk. Use the thumb rule; if you think it is too much, then it probably is. Go easy on the butter it, will be better for your cholesterol.
  9. Add as many spoons of sugar as you feel like. Sugar never killed anyone.
  10. Cut the packet of Cocoa powder. Use sharp scissors; they work best. Avoid personal injuries. In case of accidents, please do not forget to turn the stove off.
  11. Empty the pack in to the wok. Start mixing vigorously. The mixture should be of a thick consistency.
  12. Add nuts to taste.
  13. Now the most important step. Go to the house temple and Pray.

In case your prayers are answered and you have succeeded in making the fudge, please call me.

I think this still works.


Me said...

Hello! What bro? Which friend? Shashi.

Nats said...

Hey Vibs,
Ur bro always keeps asking which, what, when questions. is it that u hv a very good memory or a very good imagination?